Fellows are full-time FJC employees for the entire 21-month Fellowship experience, including the months they are working at their Jewish camp. Interested camp partners must commit to the following in order to participate in the Fellowship program:
- Hire the Fellow to work at camp for summer 2026, in a seasonal leadership role (e.g. unit leader, activity head, or other senior/supervisory position).*
- Pay $6,000 to FJC to account for Fellow’s summer compensation, some pre-camp/year-round work, and program administration. Camps are not expected to compensate Fellows additionally for their work at camp during summer 2026.**
- Cover the Fellow’s travel to and from camp (according to camp’s policy for all staff) and any year-round camp staff training gatherings they are required to attend.
- Host the Fellow’s FJC supervisor for a visit to the Fellow at camp in summer 2026.
- Allow the Fellow to participate in an FJC site visit of another Jewish camp in summer 2026 to expand their knowledge of and exposure to the broader field (separate from a day off from camp).
- Semi-annual check-ins with the Fellow and their FJC supervisor to enhance the Fellow’s professional growth and continuity of professional development.
*Fellows are encouraged to work at camp in summer 2025 and/or summer 2027 if they desire, and a position is available. This time, however, is optional and outside of the formal framework of the Fellowship.
**The Fellows are considered full time FJC employees during the academic year, and it should not be assumed that they are available for project-based work for camp throughout the year. They are, however, welcome to work at camp’s year-round or shoulder-season programming (i.e. family camp, a camper reunion, a weekend recruitment fair, etc.), if it does not interfere with their FJC role and responsibilities. Fellows may be compensated separately for this work.