Camp Management Fellowship 2025: Camp Application

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Camp Management Fellowship (CMF) will return in Spring 2025 to bring high quality and timely training to seasonal camp supervisors throughout the field of Jewish camp. FJC will select up to 50 camps to participate in this year's program. Read more about the program here.

In addition to general questions about your camp goals surrounding supervision, this application asks for information regarding the seasonal supervisors you would like to participate in this program. Please use the save-and-resume function or our question preview PDF to ensure you have all of the information you need to fill out this application.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The application will close at 11:59pm PT on February 28th, 2025.

Questions? Be in touch with Brent Novey, FJC Fellow, at

Saving Data

You can stop the application at any time and save your work up to that point.  

  • The “Save-and-Resume” function (available at the top or bottom of this questionnaire) will allow you to save progress, and return to that exact spot in the questionnaire at another time.
  • When you choose to “Save-and-Resume”, you will need to submit your email address and a password.
  • Thereafter, you will receive a link to access the incomplete questionnaire in the future. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
  • This link can be accessed at any time by anyone with the correct credentials, and will save your work up to the exact spot where the questionnaire was saved when the link was sent.
  • When you get back to the questionnaire through the proper credentials, you will be dropped at the beginning of the questionnaire. Please note that as you advance through the questionnaire to get back to where you left off, your updated data will be in each question you already responded to.
  • Once you have responded to questions beyond the exact spot where you left off, you will need to start the "Save-and-Resume" process over to do it again.  You can go through the “Save-and-Resume” process as many times as needed.

Foundation for Jewish Camp will use the information on this form to contact you periodically with important updates and information, such as our monthly newsletter.  We respect your privacy and will store your personal information securely. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Start Your Application!

Begin typing the name of your camp and select the answer that appears in the drop-down menu.

Initial Information
Camp Contact Info

This application should be completed by the person who will act as the Camp Management Fellowship Primary Contact

This will be the address where FJC sends important and time-sensitive information.

Enter without dashes, text, or symbols.

Numbers only.

Enter without dashes, text, or symbols.

Additional Contact Person

In the event you are on vacation or are unavailable, please provide information below for another member of your full-time team who could step in to be contacted about the Camp Management Fellowship.

Enter without dashes, text, or symbols.

Numbers only.

Enter without dashes, text, or symbols.

Vision: Direction & Growth

Please provide your answer in 3-4 full sentences.

Feel free to provide your answer in bullet/list format if preferred.

Please provide your answer in 3-4 full sentences.
On this page you will provide information for each Fellow you would like to attend CMF from your camp. Before submitting their name, please be sure to confirm that they are interested and available to attend. To add another Fellow, use the "Add Another Fellow" option at the bottom of the Fellow Information section. As a reminder, FJC will cover all costs of the first 3 Fellows provided, and camp can submit up two additional Fellows if desired for $250 each. 

i.e. Hebrew name, nickname, maiden or hyphenated last name, etc. This will help us identify them in registration.

For important, personalized, and time-sensitive information about registration and more!

Please do not include CIT/SIT/LIT year(s).

If you already know the unit or specialty this person is supervising this summer, please specify.

Please write 1-2 sentences about this fellow or include a list of skills/growth areas.
Please share the address below of the location this Fellow will be traveling to/from the in person gathering from. 

Confirmation & Commitment


Type your full name below to affirm this statement: